Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CSA June 19

When my mom, Gracie and I picked up the CSA, I first took a picture of the evidence of raspberries.  I feel I must do this to remind me that we do INDEED get raspberries from Sneads.  Like I said in the last post, many don't make it past the Rt. 2 intersection...

1 dozen eggs
1 and 1/2 pints of raspberries
1 bag yellow squash
1 bag of zucchini
2 kohlrobis
2 bunches of kale
2 bunches of beets
2 bags of pickling cucumbers

Gracie ended up not eating her raspberries on the trip home (I'm questioning her maternity) so I made the sacrifice of eating them in a bowl of store brand rice chex.  Sigh.

Joe unplugged himself long enough to volunteer to make Spicy Refrigerator Dill Pickles

We still had the 'garlic plants' from the CSA a few weeks ago, so I opened one up for him to use - and what amazing thing did we find but not a dozen or so little garlic cloves, but SIX HUGE cloves of garlic!  Instead of crushing them he opted to cut them into bite size pieces so we can have some pickled garlic as well!

These will be ready to eat in about a week!

I relied on a coworker to give me a good, local, VA native greens recipe for the kale.

Here is DeNae's recipe for greens:  Take all the stems off, cut them or tear them, and soak them good so all the dirt goes to the bottom.  Get some smoked meat (either turkey, ham hocks, smoked jowls). Get a big pot and put the meat in the pot with about 2-2/12 cups of chicken broth.  Cook the meat for about 10 minutes then add the greens with salt, pepper, and a table spoon of sugar. Use a minimal amount of liquid and then add more chicken broth if you need to but the less liquid you use, the more flavor the greens will soak up. 

I'll tell you, I used my biggest pot and could barely get the lid on all that kale, but it did cook down fine.  I was able to find smoked jowl and ham hocks both at my local Food Lion, but I opted for the smoked turkey wing.  They were quite yummy, and made enough for me to freeze for a later date.

We got two kohlrabi this week - I needed something different to do with them because I knew no one would be terribly interested in eating them raw with dip again.  So I found this recipe:Kohlrabi and Squash Skillet

I served these veggies up with some grilled kielbasa.  Perfect.

I little side note - when my mom saw the kohlrabi she commented that her parents used to grow those in their garden in Idaho Falls, but she doesn't remember eating them much.  Apparently they make a beautiful flower similar to a sunflower.  My mom also said my grandma would sometimes call them 'call the rabbi' and then to take it further 'call the priest'!  

The eggs we got this week were enormous!

And how surprised we were to find double yolks! In fact, of the dozen eggs we got this week, all but two were double yolks!!!

Aren't they cute? Do you see the elderly couple?

1 comment:

  1. The links, for some reason, are the same color as the background. If you hover over where a link should be, it'll pop out.
